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U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989): Article 12

‘States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.’

Introduction to the Primary School Curriculum (1999): The child and society

‘The curriculum acknowledges that children live in and are a part of society, and that their personal development is deeply affected by their relationships in the home and with other people in society. The curriculum takes full account of these aspects of the child’s life in seeking to balance individual and social development, in developing an appreciation of how the different dimensions of life complement each other, and in helping the child to work co-operatively with others.’

National Children’s Strategy (2000): The Vision

‘An Ireland where children are respected as young citizens with a valued contribution to make and a voice of their own; where all children are cherished and supported by family and the wider society; where they enjoy a fulfilling childhood and realise their potential.’

‘National Goal: Children will have a voice in matters which affect them and their views will be given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity.’

Role of the Student Council

  •  To create in co-operation with the Principal & Liaison teachers, staff and students, a better school life for the students of our school.
  •  To provide students with opportunities of leadership and to develop in all students a sense of responsibility.
  •  To encourage the students in the school to become more aware of how the school is run and to constructively identify and express    their needs.
  • To enhance communication between students, management, staff and parents.
  • To promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development.
  • To promote friendship and respect among students.
  • To represent the views of students on matters of concern to them.
  •  To build a sense of whole school community and promote an inclusive environment.

Structure of the Student Council

The student council will have two class representatives from each 4th, 5th & 6th class, totalling 12 members per academic year.  

There will be two designated Student Council Liaison teachers, Ms. Lorraine Mac Loone &

Ms. Annmarie O’Sullivan.

The Aim of the Student Council

The Student Council seeks to build a relationship based on mutual respect and trust with all in the school and works with the staff, management and parents in their efforts to create and maintain an environment conductive to educational and personal development.  As part of the process, the Student Council seeks to provide a line of communication between students, management, staff and parents. The council will provide a forum to enhance student participation in the life of the school.

Student Council Activities

  • To represent the views of the student body to the Board of Management, Principal, teachers and parents.
  • To organise an effective communication system e.g. website blog/social media posts.
  • Assist in school activities: sporting, cultural, liturgical, extra-curricular.
  • Organise or assist with fund-raising / charitable work.

Liaison Teacher

  • Attends Student Council meeting. 
  • Acts as a link between staff members and the council.
  • Has a voice but not a vote.
  • Is a source of information.
  • Can take notes to complement the secretary’s minutes.
  • To be a support to the council when needed and to be active when called upon.
  • To put student council issues / activities on the agenda for staff meetings.
4th Class Student Council Members 2021-2022
5th Class Student Council Members 2021-2022
6th Class Student Council Members 2021-2022